I used to think that to be an attractive man, you must have a great face and fantastic hair, be 6 ft 2 in, have an incredible body, and dress flawlessly. After 48 years of life, I realize I’m totally wrong. Being attractive has less to do with your physical appearance and more with how you make other people feel about themselves and how you feel about yourself.
The good news is attractiveness is a lot easier than most people think. If you want to be attractive, you need to be confident in the man you are and the value you bring to the world.
Don’t brag. Be humble and courteous, and make others feel good about themselves. To do that, you will listen to them and ask questions. Be interested rather than interesting. Being interesting doesn’t hurt, however, if you’re well-traveled, well-read, and highly educated. Be a man of your word. Don’t say one thing, and then do something else. Treat people with kindness and courtesy. Take care of your body by eating right and being healthy. Smell amazing.
Be a good person. It all boils down to that. Look for opportunities daily to help others; people will instantly view you as more attractive. More importantly, helping others makes you feel incredible inside, and it will increase your self-esteem. Carry yourself with positive body language and look people in the eye. That’s it. Game over—you are attractive as hell.